Sunday, October 30, 2011

Ron Paul 2012

I have written two posts discussing the reasons I believe Herman Cain would make a good choice as president in the next election. I cannot however say that he is the only good choice. Ron Paul, who is again running for the Republican nominee, is another good choice for president. Ron Paul brings experience and integrity to his campaign. The experience comes from 3 different terms in congress as a representative of Texas, the integrity comes from the simple fact that he says what he means and means what he says. That fact is a big reason why many do not take him seriously. I mean what is the point of having an 'honest' politician? Right?

Ron Paul is one of the very few honest politicians we have. When he says he is going to do something, he does it. When he says he believes in something, he doesn't just say that to get votes, he really believes it. This is truly an oxymoron when you hear the term 'politician'.

One of the biggest reasons Ron Paul is dismissed by many in the main stream is because of his so called 'isolationist' views. However, his views are not truly isolationist. A true isolationist wants America to have nothing to do with any other country period. Ron Paul wants to continue friendships and trading with all the nations we can. His opponents call him an isolationist because he wants to bring all our troops home from every country they are stationed in and shut down all overseas bases. He also wants to stop us from fighting everyone's wars for them. I personally see this as a great thing for the American people and the American military. Ron Paul still wants to have a powerful military, he just doesn't believe we need to have troops stationed in every country to do so. The money saved from shutting down all the bases over seas alone, will help to strengthen our military and make a huge dent into the debt we have incurred over centuries.

I see Ron Paul as another excellent choice for president. He has experience running his own business as a private practitioner in Texas. He also understands economics and the way money works. He has studied Ludwig von Mises and many other Austrian economists. Also F. A. Hayek, who discussed the dangers of socialism in "The Road To Serfdom." Ron Paul knows that the path this country is on today has been followed many times before and always ended up in tragedy for the nations involved.

I personally would love to see a Ron Paul/Herman Cain ticket, or visa-verse. Either one would make a great president and either one would make a great vice-president.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Plan

There has been a lot of talk since Herman Cain laid out his new plan for the United States tax system. He calls it his 9-9-9 plan. This plan would wipe out the 80,000 plus pages of the current tax law and replace it with a much simpler and lighter text. His plan is three fold, a 9% income flat tax, a 9% business flat tax and a 9% national sales tax. It has been said that his plan will raise taxes on many American families. Considering the fact that nearly 47% of possible tax payers in this country do not pay taxes at all I am not surprised that this is a possibility.

The flat income tax includes the option of charitable deductions and 'empowerment zones' which are areas of this country where lower income families live and/or work that can receive further deductions. The business tax is based on gross income with deductions on capital investments, purchases from other American based businesses and their net exports. This tax also includes 'empowerment zones' similar to the income tax. Finally the national sales tax is not an add-on tax but a replacement tax. It is based on the idea that because business taxes are considerably less due to one single tax, the price of production will be less which in turn will make the price of the product less. As an end result, Herman Cain plans to do away with the income tax and business tax altogether, plus repeal the 16th amendment. All that will be left is a national sales tax. I have never really been a fan of the 'fair tax', but after reading his proposal it makes sense.

This plan has its merits and possible flaws. The main flaw would be that the national sales tax could be raised again and again by an irresponsible congress. The 'empowerment zones' in the income tax and business tax could be enlarged to include those individuals or companies that do not need any assistance to pay taxes. Members of congress can also use this to reward their contributors. Also, this new income tax will require everyone to pay taxes and as I have stated above, 47% of Americans do not pay taxes at this time. However, this is where the 'empowerment zones' come into effect.

Mr. Cain's plan is bold. I believe that it is a win-win for the American people. This plan will create millions of jobs because businesses have more money. Spending will also increase because the price of products will be less. And in the end you will be able to control your tax burden each year by what you decide to purchase when all we have is a national sales tax left.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Occupy Wall Street?

For more than a month people have been "occupying Wall Street" to protest the actions of, well, I really doubt they know what they are there for. This has expanded and now there are "occupy" protests going on all over the country and even taking place in many other nations around the world. Right after the "occupy Sacramento" protests started, one protester was asked why they were there and he stated basically that he didn't know why they were there but they would work on the reason and get back to the questioner.

I believe that these protests are nothing but a group of people looking for more handouts. Some protesters in New York stated plainly that they wanted banks to forgive all debt. (How do they expect that to work?) Others have stated that they believe college education, food, housing, even luxuries should be free.

Some of theses protests have turned into little more than a new version of Wood Stock with sex and drugs running rampant. Now that includes theft. Yesterday it was reported that the Wall Street protesters are being plagued with thieves among their own ranks. Cameras, cell phones, laptops and other expensive items have turned up missing. This is not surprising if you notice that many of them are looking for free stuff anyway.

The bottom line is that these protesters are nothing more than a group of anarchists, morons, malcontents and fools who would rather make trouble and be useful idiots than do something worthwhile and be productive members of society. These people believe in socialism, redistribution of wealth and using strong arm tactics to get what they believe they are entitled to, whether they have earned it or not. There is every possibility that these protests will turn violent and end up becoming riots. They claim that they are peaceful, but after nearly 700 arrests in one day a few weeks ago, peaceful is the last thing on their minds.

Do not be fooled by certain media outlets that claim these protesters represent the majority of Americans or that they honorable and brave for standing up to Wall Street. Less than 1000 slackers is nothing but a group of fringe cooks.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Is Herman Cain a good choice?

Herman Cain, a GOP Presidential hopeful, has made a lot of noise in the last month and has risen rapidly to be one of the top contenders in recent polls. With all of this said is he a good choice for president?

I would have to say yes.

Herman Cain, former CEO of Godfathers Pizza, former Vice President of Pillsbury and former regional Vice President of Burger King, has been a successful business manager. He has taken under performing and failing businesses and made them profitable. Through all this Cain has learned how to cut expenditures without cutting quality to increase profitability and keep the public coming back. In short he understands how to make business work.

In these troubled times that America is facing, with record deficits, high unemployment, skyrocketing national debt and the possibility of it all getting worse looming on the horizon, I believe that Herman Cain is the right choice to send to Washington D.C. With his experience in business he will be able to cut deficits and trim programs that do not work or are costing more than they should.

Herman Cain's plans for America are simple, yet can be very effective. Simply put he believes in cutting back excessive regulations on businesses, cutting the tax burden for "all" Americans, not just a select class, reforming entitlement programs to coincide with America in the 21st century, supporting the military with any and all equipment and training necessary to get the job done and win, giving real support to the veterans who have served our country bravely and sacrificed and cutting the size of government to what it is supposed to be by returning many powers back to the states that the federal government never should of had in the first place.

Herman Cain is a candidate that you should consider for president. To learn more about him, go to