Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ron Paul Not "Mainstream?"

Newt Gingrich came out today and lambasted Ron Paul, saying that if Paul were the GOP nominee, he would not vote for him because the congressman's views are "totally outside the mainstream of every decent American." What "mainstream" views are Gingrich talking about?

Ron Paul, as President, wants to:

- Shrink the size and scope of government. The true mainstream Americans want this.

- Audit the Fed and hold it accountable with a provision of eventually shutting it down. Mainstream America, yes.

- Bring all the soldiers, sailors and airmen home and quit fighting wars that do not concern us. Yes.

- Cut wasteful spending and bring outrageous budgets back into par with where they should be. Yes.

- Reduce all harmful taxes to help revitalize this economy and give businesses a reason to expand and hire more employees. Possibly repeal the 16th amendment altogether. Yes.

- Bring honor and integrity back to the office of the President of the United States. Yes.

Mr. Gingrich must be thinking of the mainstream media not mainstream America. We are tired of the b.s. rhetoric, the arrogance, the lies and the waste that is currently Washington D.C. We want someone that actually says what they mean and means what they say. We want someone who will actually work for the interests of the American people and the American future, not their self interests and future careers.

I believe Newt is feeling scared of losing to a real conservative, (or libertarian in Paul's case,) as he cannot honestly call himself a conservative. He praised Mitt Romney's state health care bill in 2006, supported the idea of a government mandate for health care, although now he says he's against it once he saw it in action. I like his John Kerry moment here. "I voted for it before I voted against it." He believes in the unproven science of man made global warming. Newt is on his third wife after cheating on the first two, Paul is still married to the same girl since 1957. Newt also calls Mitt Romney a liberal Republican, (which is true, with progressive leanings,) but Newt needs to put himself in that category as well.

It amazes me how all these candidates can be so short sighted and have such horrible memories. In today's technological age everything they say or do is on camera or recorded in some fashion. And we voters have the real easy ability to go and see what they actually say and do for ourselves. I guess that all that time in D.C. led him to believe he can lie and get away with it, I'm glad to say that Ron Paul is immune to such a disease. I will be giving Ron Paul my vote and if voting for a man who believes, as Regan did, that America's greatest days are still ahead of us puts me outside of the mainstream then so be it. That's where I'll be and I hope you come join me.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Cain to endorse Gingrich?

I must say that all of these allegations against Herman Cain are a little disturbing. First, sexual harassment. Cain pushed those aside by taking a lie detector test and passed. Now however, he is being accused of having an affair with a friend for 13 years. This gave me pause, however I saw all of this as an attempt by the left to discredit the man. He was making huge gains in the polls and could have given President Obama real trouble, so they assassinate his character. To us on the right, character means a great deal. Honor, integrity and honesty are very important to us all.

Well, whatever it was, it worked. Herman Cain dropped out of the Presidential race and now will be a side liner and probably a new cheerleader for the GOP. (I'd prefer a new GOP that 'truly' stands for the core values that they preach.) Now it transpires that Herman Cain will be announcing today that he will endorse Newt Gingrich for President. I guess Cain is not so small government after all.

Newt Gingrich is intelligent, there is no question. He also is a likeable person and speaks well. However, he is a big government Republican. We cannot deny this or get away from this. And big government is what we need to get away from. Seeing Cain endorse Gingrich like this shows me that I was way off on Cain's character. Cain may want to cut taxes, but he has no problem with a big government. I am glad that Cain dropped out, now it is time for a push for Ron Paul.

*Note: Cain officially endorsed Newt on January 28, 2012*